Prism is thrilled to announce our latest innovation: Client Shop Ordering!

This easy-to-use new tool allows designated client users the ability to order and deploy their own ad-hoc shops automatically - The client inputs their criteria, and the system automagically creates a project, adds the new visits and launches them (notifying the account manager when it occurs). So there is no work for you (other than ensuring they get scheduled and completed properly and on time).

So now, whenever any authorized client user desires to launch more inspections, they simply log in to the Prism Dashboard and place their order. And it is done. Instantly. So, instead of emailing you, calling you or, worst of all, failing to notify you because they had a million other things to do… your client gets exactly what they want, effortlessly. And you have more shops in the field without any additional communication time, work or effort.

It is super easy! You set up project templates - with the specifics you know the client needs (rotations, forms, separations, etc). When the client user goes to place an order, they will be presented with a simple Order Form wherein they select which type of project they are interested in (e.g. Dining, Bar and/or Carry Out), which Location(s) they want visited, how many visits they want per location, the start date, the end date, and the reporting period - and the system does the rest!

The Account Manager (on your team) responsible for the client will receive an Alert informing them of the new order being launched and everything is already in motion for you and the client.

We hope you find that this adds yet another competitive differentiator to you, another great enhancement for you and your clients, and helps further streamline your operational efficiencies.